Lara Chicofsky and Nina Jobe started Double Deal - True Stories of Criminals, Crimes and Lies as a companion to their upcoming book. The inspiration for Double Deal was Lara's late father, Richard Chicofsky. Richie was a criminal and a Federal informant for 40 years. Richie's stories and the stories about him are the foundation on which they created the podcast, but they're covering both the lesser known crimes, criminals and law enforcement officers and the infamous ones. The podcast has been designed as a series, layering and reintroducing the players as the season progresses. They're aware that their listeners may not be so familiar with the characters and events, so with each episode you can find suggestions and links to related episodes. In the transcripts there are links to supporting sources, if you decide to dig deeper.

They share their theories about both solved and unsolved crimes, and welcome feedback from their listeners.